Human connection is a treasure! 'Together is the best place to be' could not sound any truer.
Through our Charlotte sy Dimby world we have made the most amazing encounters. To create bonds beyond the dresses, we have launched a virtual Charlotte and Burlington family club as well as pen pals. Danielle and her two daughters, Stella and Lola, took it to the next level by hosting a tea party to allow little Charlotte sy Dimby princesses and their mums to meet one another. They made our dream come true!

Mum and hair, makeup and award winning eyebrow artist with a passion for photography, Danielle spreads beauty everywhere she goes. Whatever the circumstances, she is able to add magic to the ordinary. She is a deep source of inspiration.
In this article, we discuss the tea party, the joy of bringing families together and the importance of relationships.

How was the tea party idea born and what sparked it?
It was born from admiring my neighbor's magnolia tree bloom. I instantly thought it would be a lovely place to set up a play area using our imaginations in nature!
After a long winter, Spring had finally arrived and it was high time to celebrate! Every year, we like to organize an outdoor tea party to welcome the new season. We usually invite our dolls and favorite teddy bears but this time, we had an even better idea…
We decided to seek the opportunity to spread the Spring joy with others! I met wonderful mums through Charlotte sy Dimby, in particular Robin, mum of Arabella. We had been longing to meet in person and if there is one thing we have in common, it’s definitely a love for tea parties. This seemed like the perfect occasion to bring our families together!
The more the merrier so we also invited our Charlotte & Burlington penpal Milania and her mum Sabrina. Stella & Lola also wanted their best friends from the neighborhood to come! Aaliyah who is like a big sister to the girls joined us with her mum Pamela. And we even had two little princes coming with their sister Claire : Ethan, Harrison along with their mum Courtney!
We ended up with 8 children aged 2 to 14 years old!
Can you describe the party?
The planning was almost as fun as the party itself. We decided to use the Charlotte & Burlington family club theme since we are all part of it. We had all the girls wearing Charlotte sy Dimby smocked dresses. We all shared clothes, accessories and items to make each child feel like a princess.
The horse was all Robin’s idea, it added excitement to the party and the kids fell in love with Lulu. We had the sweetest Eiffel Tower cookies brought by Sabrina, Milania's mum, to give a French feel and a custom made Charlotte and Burlington cake which the children all found delicious.
Madeleine Hall founder of Burlington Bear designed the sweetest menu card and of course we included her books.
The girls danced, twirled, enjoyed tea, laughed and giggled! It was all quite spontaneous and they got along very well! I hope the friendship will continue to grow. As mums we had just as much pleasure in the party even if managing so many kids at a time was slightly crazy!
It was definitely worth it and I hope it will inspire many more parties!
What makes a beautiful relationship according to you and how are you teaching your children about this?
A beautiful relationship is one that is genuine and without expectations. One where you can be entirely yourself and appreciate the person for what she/he is and not what she/he does or has achieved. One in which you can share the good and the not so good.
The girls and I spend a lot of time with friends, aunts, uncles and cousins. We maintain close relationships with them and it shows. You should see the children’s smiles when we meet up! I believe it is the best way to show the girls what a strong bond means, there is nothing like living it. I hope they will in turn build strong ties. They definitely have a strong sister relationship.
How do you nurture mother and daughter bonds?
My daughters are my greatest joy! I spend as much time as possible with them and celebrate each milestone! We love to dress up in our Charlotte sy Dimby dresses and plan several family photo shoots a year.
I also love to take them to the places I loved as a child. I read them my favorite books and they pick out their favorites too. I know the Burlington Bear books will be ones they remember and want to read to their children.
What are the three main values you wish to pass down to your daughters?
I want my girls to believe in free will and to dare to be themselves, to always act in a kind and gentle way, to forgive and forget. I try myself to live by these values and set the example.
Where do you find inspiration and joy?
I love photography. It is my way to focus on the happy and positive, to give thanks for the beauty around me. I hope the moments I have captured so far will help them to cherish things they were too little to remember and to realize how much I love spending time with them. It’s a token of my love! That said, I value the quality time together even more than the pretty pictures.
Moms who inspires you?
My own mother who inspires me to take care of myself. While it is essential to be there for others and support those we love, self-care is a must. Focusing on your own growth and well-being is essential. I am currently exercising and reading books on physics and energy, taking in all the good vibes I can both for the body and soul. Megan Schutzel is a mother I look up to when it comes to fitness and health. Her Instagram account is a source of encouragement.
Another role model is Jackie Kennedy. I admire her personality, her looks and the way she dressed her children too.
A dream you wish to accomplish with your daughters?
I can’t wait to take them to Paris! (and visit L’Île aux Fées, the Charlotte sy Dimby boutique).
More info and links
Follow Danielle and her family on Instagram @ellalexis
Follow Robin and her family on Instagram @bellarosetoombs
Follow Sabrina and her family on Instagram @signaturesabrina
Follow Pamela and her family on Instagram @misspamela
Follow Courtney and her family on Instagram @courtj555
Discover more Charlotte sy Dimby parties
Read another article from Danielle
Photos by : jkennyhouseofphotoDoll with tulle by : @lafrancaise.paris
Bows by : @evashouse
Cake by @teri.cakes2021
@burlingtonbear @charlotteandburlington party theme
Horse named Lulu
Join our Charlotte and Burlington family club
Shop our babies and girls smocked dresses
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