Tonight is Christmas Eve and we would like to end our tour around the world with holiday traditions from Argentina! Let's meet Ines.
Mother of a little Aline, she is the founder of Caramela - Designed cakes, her own artistic party cake business. She now lives in San Francisco California but has wonderful childhood souvenirs of Christmas in Argentina to share!

Before heading to Argentina, this is a fun picture of Christmas decorations close to our current home in San Francisco
"We celebrate Christmas under the sunshine. December is a really warm month since it's the beginning of Summer. It is also the end of the school year, so it's a really fun, happy and noisy time.
Our country's holiday traditions mainly come from our Spanish and Italian heritage, but have been slightly adapted to our hot weather.

Salta, northwestern province of Argentina
Argentina is mostly Catholic, so for most families, Christmas means celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ. But of course Santa Claus, "Papa Noel" as we name it, is very present too. I remember visiting Santa on the 20th of December as a child at the shopping mall and giving him my letter with my dream list of toys!
We usually decorate our Christmas tree on the 8th, which is the Virgin Mary Day and make the Nativity scene which we call "Pesebre". I also remember that exchanging Christmas cards were common between close friends and family. A very nice tradition that I still try to keep.

The main celebration takes place on Christmas Eve : we go to Mass in the late afternoon and then get together with our family for a festive dinner. Staying connected and spending family time is the most important during this holiday.

Our traditional Christmas meal is cold because of the warm temperatures. It goes from Roasted Turkey, "Vitel Tone", which is veal cut in very thin slices with a creamy anchovy and tuna sauce to salads and sometimes even barbecues.

Our typical desserts is the "Pan Dulce" which is similar to the popular Italian Panetone. It's an hispanic sweet bread.
Here is a recipe to make your own : Pan Dulce
Another typical treat is turrone which is a kind of hard nougat with almonds or peanuts. Ice cream is also very common. At midnight, we always make a big toast to celebrate the beginning of Christmas.

Follow Ines on Instagram through her brand account : @caramela_cakes
Visit her e-shop
Read more about Christmas in Argentina and around the world
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