- Les Madeleines
- Les Crêpes
- Le Moelleux au chocolat

Les Madeleines
Becoming one of French literature’s most famous metaphor thanks to the legendary author Marcel Proust who describes how one mouthful of this fluffy textured cake dipped in tea brought back precious childhood souvenirs, Madeleines are deeply loved in France.
Easy to cook and sweet looking with their shell like shape, they are perfect when inviting friends.

Madeleine recipe video with a little explanation on the origin of Madeleine for your French culture!
French Madeleines with chocolate chips - photo by @hugoetgaspard
If you want to add a little fantasy try adding chocolate chips!
Les Crêpes
Originally from Brittany but now widespread all over France and beyond, crêpes are a national favorite. Children particularly love it as it can be filled with the ingredients of their choice to make it unique : jam, sugar and lemon, Nutella, honey… Sky is the limit!
French crêpes - photo by @hugoetgaspard
If you feel ready for a little challenge try these fun filling ideas.
Our tip : The trick is to make them nice and thin! That’s what makes them so light and sets them aside from pancakes.
Traditional French crêpes - photo by @hugoetgaspard - cooking with kids
Le moelleux au chocolat
Each and every country has its traditional chocolate cake recipe! We like ours with touch of salted butter and runny heart. Moelleux means soft, the idea is to allow it to melt upon the palate... Enjoy!
Its origin remains slightly mysterious, it would have been invented by a French chef from the Aveyron. Who ever created it, had an excellent idea as the recipe has met worldwide success!
French moelleux - photo by @hugoetgaspard
Classic French moelleux au chocolat recipe
Another alternative, just as delicious, is the French moelleux with salted caramel, we say Caramel au beurre salé.
French moelleux with caramel - photo by @hugoetgaspard
To get more French recipe inspirations we recommend following the Instagram account of @hugoandgaspard, French mother of three living in Paris. What are your children's favorite recipes? We would love to know more about your country's classic tea time treats!
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