Years go pass, our world is constantly evolving and technical improvement gives birth to more sophisticated toys. Yet if we look back, classic games remain! Generally requiring fairly little equipment and appealing mainly to the imagination, they make children beam with delight for hours on end generation after generation. A little creativity and curiosity is often enough to make kids happy : “There are no seven wonders of the world in the eyes of a child. There are seven million.” – Walt Streightiff
Let us dive into the magical world of childhood, revive happy souvenirs and understand what makes these play activities stand the test of time so well!
"The world of reality has its limits; the world of imagination is boundless."
By dressing up, be it as a princess, a knight, a fairy or superhero, we expand our universe and can travel to wonderlands! We can slip into a new character and pretend to be someone different. Everything becomes possible!
No need for highly luxurious props or costumes! It is quite fascinating to see how a few scarfs, a pair of mummy’s shoes or a mere wand can make our children’s imagination whirl…
These dress-up and play role games are not only a great way to keep busy indoors but also have numerous educational benefits. They develop the imagination, encourage kids to practice emotions and stimulate communication tools. For little ones, putting on their costumes can be a fun manner to teach them to button up shirts, tie their laces…
"Learning begins in imitation and ends in innovation."
By "doing it just like mummy", by taking care of their doll, dressing her up every morning, brushing her hair, putting her to bed, tidying her closet, our little girls feel very grown-up and responsible!
Baby dolls are one the most ancient toys and remain popular up to this day. And for excellent reasons too! Reproducing is a way to learn and make sense of the world surrounding us. By imitating adults children learn how to look after themselves and others too. It develops their nurturing and compassion skills!
Playing with family pets or favorite animal fur toys for little boys for instance, has the same virtues.

"As soon as I saw you, I knew an adventure was about to happen."
Built from old cardboard boxes, sofa cushions, blankets or garden furniture, which one of us has never made its "home outside the home"? Appealing to children’s love of adventure, den building awakens the explorer lying within us!
Dreaming of magical huts on treasure islands or queen palaces from their favorite story books, making their very own house is a great way to put children’s ideas into reality. From an educational point of view it offers a great deal of benefits ranging from physical development to problem solving! Last but not least, by letting them create their special space, it will allow your little ones to gain independence.
photo and doll by
"There is more treasure in books than in all the pirate's loot on Treasure Island."
All of us have magical souvenirs of book reading, the same favorite novel read over and over again by our parents and bringing us the same joy every time around! Children's classics have barely changed over the past decades, our little ones still ask for the same books. Generation after generation we still dream of fairytale worlds, happy ending adventures and brave heroes…
Reading can create precious bonds with our darlings. Do not hesitate to start as early as possible. Reading aloud to babies introduces concepts such as colors, letters and develops their listening skills.
For toddlers it can be a great way to engage discussion, to tell your children about your own souvenirs from your favorite stories when you were young.
"Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up."
Be it painting, drawing, making collage or play dough, these ancient manual activities still meet worldwide success. Adapted to all ages, they are a fantastic way to express our creativity and emotions without necessarily using words!
Baking, which can to some extent be considered as a form of art, is another timeless classic! Nothing surpasses the glowing smile of a little chef with chocolate moustaches proudly presenting his very first home made cake!
Engaging all five of our senses, this full immersion activity is one of the best ways to develop your child’s skills. First on a communication level as it will require cooperation and language skills to work as a team in the kitchen and split the tasks. Secondly on the emotional field as it will help your little one gain confidence and take pride in his cooking achievements. Thirdly on cognitive skills as baking, just like a science experiences, requires measuring and the careful respect of instructions. Finally it is also an opportunity to encourage healthy eating habits!
photo by @bornonfifth
The ability of children to find joy in the ordinary, their thriving imagination and enthusiasm for new discoveries never fades! Let it be a lesson for us all! Let us make the most of this time to dive back into the magic of childhood! Please take care and stay safe.
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We hope this article will inspire you and lead to happy moments with your children! Please do not hesitate to reach out by email at or by DM on Instagram! If ever we can support, help or merely bring a smile to your day we would be more than happy to do so!
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